
blue eyed....


65 kilos....

72 cm waist....

96cm hips....

That's what you really want to know. Admit it, if I'm fat or pretty or ugly.

It's a natural instinct, not to be ashamed of, but not to be an obsession. Did you come to this page first? Don't worry, I pretty much set the menu up to take you straight here, I manipulated you into doing what comes naturally while reading a magazine or watching a movie.

10 fingers, 10 toes, one nose.

Right now I'm more a carrot top than blonde, but it is fading back to its natural colour.

I used to be hypermobile, which meant I was able to do party tricks. Now I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. This has mostly affected all those areas I was most mobile. it seems that inheirant weakness is a foothold of the disease. While in remission I can do most things I used to. Some party tricks however i shoudl avoid, as they could cause a flare.

Most of the time however I am in pain. Constant, sharp, dull annoying pain.